
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Marathoner aims to run marathons in 7 continents to raise money for Operation Warm - he's 9 years old!

Nikolas Toocheck , 9, is going to brave some frigid trails in order to help underprivileged kids keep warm.
The Philadelphia fourth grader hopes to become the youngest person to compete in marathons on each of the seven continents and is currently training for a 26.2-mile race in Antarctica later this month, reports. While he’s out breaking records, Nikolas also hopes to raise $1 million for Operation Warm –- a nonprofit that provides coats to kids in need.

“I’ve learned how important it is to help other people who need it,” Nikolas told the nonprofit, “and I think that Operation Warm is great because every kid should be able to have their very own warm coat.”
The organization, started by the budding athlete’s grandfather, doled out winter coats to 200,000 children across 40 states last year.
The charitable racer (who’s looking forward to meeting a penguin) has competed in over 100 road races and completed his first marathon in December in Delaware, according to His dad told the news outlet that they’ve taken the necessary medical precautions, including getting extensive testing and visiting pediatricians and pediatric cardiologists.
“I get to do something I love so much and help children in need at the same time,” he told Operation Warm. “It’s so awesome! Is there anything better?”

9-year-old Nicholas Toocheck, who will run in Antarctica for charity — OperationWarm

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