
Sunday, February 10, 2013

17 year old, Aubrey Presnell gets inspired to do more for others after a recent trip to Honduras

A trip to Honduras transformed the life of one Lakeland teenager recently.
During a church tour, 17-year-old Aubrey Presnell worked to help impoverished families and vowed to do more.
She eventually started Su Esperanza, or "Their Hope," to raise money for school uniforms and give women employment to become self-sufficient.
Without a uniform, a child cannot attend school, and the expense of the outfits stop many from getting an education.

"We spent a lot of time working with families there," she said. "We would build houses and distribute food. Every place we went, there were children. They would always help you with building anything. When I came back I wanted to do something to help."
Su Esperanza accepts contributions and sells wristbands at school to raise funds.
Aubrey also arranged for poverty-stricken women to learn to sew to make and receive payment for the uniforms.
Su Esperanza has raised $1,700 so far.
"A lot of the families there live in small shacks put together with whatever they have," she said. "The whole family lives there. Mothers must raise their kids by themselves. The people there are so kind, so giving and so happy. They aren't people to wallow in what situation they are in."
For more information on Su Esperanza, email

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