
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Crossing Guard Kathy Holick is making Sandy Hook a brighter place once again...

This is Kathy Holick. She's a dance-aholic; and if you saw her boogie, you'd be sure to crack a smile.

Holick is a crossing guard in the Newtown, Connecticut, village of Sandy Hook. But directing traffic is just one of the ways she's is making an impact in her community. 

According to the Hartford Courant, Holick -- who dances while directing traffic near Newtown High School -- has become a symbol of hope and positivity in Sandy Hook. 

"She takes her responsibility seriously but has fun in the process," longtime Newtown resident John Bergquist told the Courant. "Everyone seems to love her and she has put smiles on many faces. If she was directing traffic in any town across the country she would deserve praise and attention for the unique approach to her job. But someone who stands out for her kindness is especially meaningful in a community that is still healing from a massive trauma." 

In 2012, the country mourned with Sandy Hook after a 20-year-old man went on a shooting rampage in the local elementary school, killing 20 children and 6 adults. 

"It is just so inspiring to see someone who is a point of light that reminds us to be positive, to treat each other with love and compassion, and that there's still a lot of good in our community and elsewhere. She gives us hope and leaves us with a smile every day," Bergquist said of the cheerful crossing guard. 

Holick, a 47-year-old grandmother, hasn't limited her campaign of positivity to the roads. She's even taken to social media to spread cheer, sharing funny photographs and inspiring words through a public Facebook page

As for what keeps that smile on her face and the bounce in her step, Holick told Newtown Patch: "I think of my family and friends to start me off. Upcoming events to get the extra burst and them I think of the children who wave to me with such joy, from buses and cars. Then I throw some music on from my phone that's in my shirt pocket, and groove to the beat."

Groove on, Kathy. Groove on.

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