
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"No Worries Now" - Friendship blossoms for teen after cancer diagnosis...

Having cancer changes everything, but for one teen, her diagnosis led to an incredible friendship that has had a very positive impact on her life.
Thanks to the nonprofit organization No Worries Now, 19-year-old Evelyn was able to regain a sense of normalcy after being treated for Ewing's sarcoma, a type of bone and tissue cancer, at the age of 16. Through Pair Program, an initiative that brings teen patients together with teen volunteers to have fun, Evelyn was introduced to Lily and a very special relationship was formed.
"It's really just been a straight friendship," says Lily. "We bonded over a lot of things both going through our freshman year of college and we had a lot of time talking about those types of experiences." Watch in the video above.

"My friendship with Lily has made my life better because I'm able to go to her when I'm feeling down. She reassures me and brightens up my day when I feel self-conscious about myself," explains Evelyn.
"I think Evelyn and I will be friends for quite awhile," says Lily.
It definitely looks like it.

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