
Friday, December 13, 2013

5 year old Claire Koch, performed in her school's Christmas pageant, and since both her parents are deaf, she surprised them by translating the songs into American Sign Language during the entire medley...

Holy moly, this is adorable. While belting out a Christmas song at a school concert, a KODA (kid of deaf adult) performed sign language so her mom could understand the lyrics.
The video, which captures a group of kindergartners singing a Christmas song to the tune of "Bingo was his name-o," was recorded by proud mother Lori Koch. Her daughter, 5-year-old Claire, is the blonde in the middle, the one giving a performance worthy of tossed roses and a standing ovation. 
Koch told Yahoo News in an email that she wasn't expecting her daughter to sign during the performance. "The regular kids used generic hand motions while my daughter chose to use sign language, to our surprise," she said.
Koch told Yahoo News that she can read lips, speak and sign, while her husband, who is also deaf, uses only sign language. "ASL is the first language in our home, so our daughter has been exposed to it since birth," she said.
Koch complimented her daughter's signing abilities, joking that she "is a much better interpreter than Nelson's fake one."

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