
Thursday, October 24, 2013

High school bully apologizes after 100 of Halsey Parkerson's Facebook "friends" show up to defend him...

A high-school bully decided to apologize after 100 Facebook users showed up to rally behind a boy he had accused of having no friends.
It started as a single Facebook message posted by Halsey Parkerson's aunt. She went to South Salem High School (Oregon) on Thursday to meet him for lunch. She overheard the bully telling her nephew that he doesn't have any friends and that no one cares.
Halsey told her that it happens all the time. His aunt decided to come back for lunch Friday and through Facebook she invited all of his new friends.
And they came. Car after car showed up until South Salem's parking lot became a traffic jam.
It was all for Halsey after his aunt put the message out on Facebook to one of her car clubs. The message spread, and at least 50 cars, containing probably 100 people, came – some of them as far away as Vancouver.
And that's all it took to make a difference.
"It's just unbelievable," Halsey said. "I now know whenever I get bullied I'll raise my head up and say, 'Sorry, I have too many friends to think I'm being bullied.'"
But even Halsey knew the support was bigger than him. It was for anyone who's ever been bullied.
"If you're being bullied, stand up and express yourself," he said.
The bully was there, too, and with a hundred people standing behind Halsey, the bully had a change of heart. He high-fived Halsey and said: "I apologize. I apologize. I take it back."

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