
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dad's priceless reaction to son after he finally passes his math class....

The best dad in the world isn't the one who indulges his kid in an expensive car or even turns a child's bedroom into a wannabe pilot's dream. It's this guy. Ari, a British high schooler who'd been struggling with failing math grades for a year, decided to break some good news to his father in Candid Camera fashion, and the reaction might be better than the report card. "In England you need a C (pass) to basically do anything with your life," Ari explained on his YouTube post. "I know some of you might be saying, 'Well, (a) C is nothing' but for me it was hard to get." As such, it deserved a proper reward -- and Ari's own reaction at the very end says it all. There might be some misguided dads out there, but as long as there's one like Ari's, we're OK.

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