
Friday, August 2, 2013

Living in the present moment: David Fleming has been battling cancer for 8 years, but that hasn't stopped the 50 year old from writing a blog to help inspire others.

David Flemming has battled cancer for eight years, undergone 19 surgeries, and in May, doctors told him his latest tumor was "incurable, inoperable, and unstoppable." He was given six weeks to six months of "quality life."
But the 50-year-old from Pleasant View, Tenn., didn't respond to the news by sitting around and feeling sorry for himself. Instead, he applied to to write a daily blog that he hopes will inspire others to make their lives better.
Flemming began blogging on July 17, with a post titled, "Nice to meet you Nashville!"
"There are only two things to do at this junction; to give in or not give up," he wrote. "I have chosen the latter."
With each daily post, Flemming offers funny, sad, heartwarming, and thought-provoking ideas to his readers.
On July 22, after attending his niece's wedding, he wrote:
That’s the thing about living life in the moment, I actually do. I never try to schedule too much ahead in the future as mine is very uncertain for sure. But I put my trust where it belongs, and carry onward. I am just like everyone else on this planet, we all will die eventually. I just know what I am dying from and like everyone else I don’t know when. So how prepared are you?
Flemming told WKRN-TV that he decides what to write by reflecting on the day before, and he approaches life one day at a time.
"Start out by thinking every morning about everything you come across the day before," he said. "And think about what you've seen and see if you can improve upon it."
Keep up with Flemming's posts by visiting his blog on

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