
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The definition of love 50 years in the making....“She’s my princess. I’m her William. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Bill and Glad Forward have known each other since Glad was 8 and Bill was 9. Bill was a good friend of Glad’s brother, and for years Glad admired Bill from afar. Bill finally returned the sentiment when he was 17, and they were later married.
Now, 50 years after making their wedding vows, they continue to honor them — specifically their promise to care for one another in “sickness and health.” Glad began to develop Alzheimer’s disease in 2004, and Bill now spends every hour of the day caring for her.
“From the moment she gets up to the moment she goes to bed, I do absolutely everything. I clean her teeth, shower and dress her — everything. I count it a great privilege to care for this woman I’ve loved all these years,” Bill said in a YouTube video called “What is Love?”
Bill had a bike chair made for Glad, which is attached to his bicycle, so he can take her on rides along the beach.
“She has done so much for me over these years, and now she can’t, but I can,” Bill said. “She’s my princess. I’m her William. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

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