
Friday, May 17, 2013

Indiana first graders' random acts of kindness are contagious...

The group's name may not catch on, but the idea certainly has.

SPPRAK (Special People Performing Random Acts of Kindness) began in an Indiana school district as a way to get students, teachers and staff to show more kindness to each other.

To help change the culture in the schools they began urging everyone to jot down the acts of kindness they experienced or performed throughout their day on colorful sticky notes.

'SPRRAK Attacks', as they're called, don't cost any money: "John held the door for me" or "Kalisha got off the swing so I could have a turn." But the kids are learning that these small acts can add up to make a huge difference.

The walls of every Vigo County school now blossom with tiny colorful thank-you's -- even at the high school level.

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