
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Rusty Loiselle is grateful for his warm bed, the roof over his head and dinner he has on the table - so he gives back by planting vegetable gardens to help the homeless live off the land

Rusty Loiselle is thankful for having a warm bed to sleep in, a roof over his head, and dinner on the table every night of the week. It wasn't until recently he discovered there were so many homeless people living nearby without any of these common luxuries.
"I didn't even realize that we had homeless, but now I know there's way too many of them, and I'm trying to do something," explained Loiselle. "Maybe we can get them out of this situation, maybe get them in housing or get them the help that they need."
Loiselle began planting vegetable gardens to help the homeless live off the land. He not only wants to help feed them but educate them on being independent and not relying on others for food.
"I can go home. I can have a hot meal. I can take a hot shower, I can get in a warm bed. A lot of these folks out here can't do that," said Louiselle.
It's wonderful to see one man stepping out of his comfort zone and helping the less fortunate live a better life. 

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