
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Inspiration: Severely injured Boston Marathon victim Jeff Bauman delivers an 18th birthday gift to fellow victim Sydney Corcoran

You're looking at Jeff Bauman delivering an 18th birthday present to fellow Boston bombing victim and amputee, Sydney Corcoran. Do you have goose bumps yet? The heart-warming scene happened at the Boston Medical Center, where both are recovering from their horrific injuries. Corcoran's no stranger to pain, having only recently recovered from cracking her skull in a 2011 car accident. And Bauman? Yup, he's the hero who ID-ed the bombers after getting rushed to the hospital by cowboy hat-wearing Carlos Arredondo. Folks on Twitter are calling this incredible image the definition of "Boston Strong" and elevating this emotional photo to "best picture on the Internet."  Corcoran’s mom Celeste also lost her two legs in the bombing.
Fundraising pages set up for both Bauman and the Corcorans have each raised more than $600,000.
"He is in great spirits, wheeling himself around, and appreciates all that has been done," writes Brooke Gibbs, the founder of the "Bucks for Bauman!" website. "We never imagined to be bringing our goal to 1 million, and now it is in reach!" 
"It was another day of momentum and healing as the incredible Jeff Bauman visited today and gave Sydney a birthday gift -- what a sweetheart! Very emotional and awesome experience for all involved," wrote Sydney's family on the fundraising page set up for the teen and her mother, Celeste.

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