
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Young sisters donate their long hair to make wigs for kids battling cancer

They are the little sisters sending locks and locks of love to cancer patients – by donating their hair to make wigs.
Sofia Kidner, six, and nine-year-old sibling April cut off their long tresses in support of sick children who have lost their own hair during treatment.
Proud dad Dave, an officer at West Midlands Police, said his caring daughters came up with the idea after watching a TV program.
“There was something on TV about people suffering with cancer and how they sometimes lose their hair,” he said.
“Sofia asked, ‘Do children suffer with cancer and do they lose their hair too?’
“My wife Christina said yes, and Sofia remembered a friend of ours who unfortunately got cancer, lost her hair and wore a wig.
“Next she said, ‘They could use my hair to make a wig. I want to cut my hair off and give it to someone who needs it.’
“The girls went to bed and Sofia must have been talking to her older sister about it because the next morning they both said they wanted to donate their hair.
“We couldn’t believe it. It was just such a lovely thing for children who are only six and nine years old to say.”  

Sofia, 6,and April, 9, Kidner from Kings Norton before their haircuts
Sofia, 6,and April, 9, Kidner from Kings Norton before their haircuts


Both girls, who live with their parents and two-year-old brother Thomas in Kings Norton, have spent years growing their long locks, reaching right down their backs.
But now they’ve been left with just a bob after the weekend haircut.
The sponsored chop raised funds for the Little Princess Trust, a charity that provides real-hair wigs, free of charge, to children who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment and other illnesses.
The Trust will also be receiving the girls’ hair to make new wigs.
By coincidence the sisters’ pop star idol Jessie J has also pledged to shave her head for Red Nose Day.
Dave added: “They loved their long hair – and I loved it too.
“For any other reason I wouldn’t have let them have their hair cut. But because it’s such a good cause and it’s such a beautiful thought, we knew we couldn’t stop them.”parents and two-year-old brother Thomas in Kings Norton, have spent years growing their long locks, reaching right down their backs.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. I used to do that with my hair all the time! Now that I figured out I really like my hair short I can't anymore. But I still like to wear Bobbi Boss wigs to make it feel like I have super long hair. Great going girls!
