
Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Good Life: Having a purpose in life is the key to a broader, healthier and longer life...

You've heard the phrase: Get a life. Well, better yet: Get a purpose in life.

Studies of 1,500 men and women by the Chicago-based Rush University Medical Center's Alzheimer's Disease Center show that having a purpose in life can help stave off cognitive decline and promote a broadly healthier, longer life.
We spoke with Patricia A. Boyle, a neuropsychologist and researcher for the Rush Memory and Aging Project who is also an associate professor at the medical center. Here are edited excerpts from that conversation.

WSJ: What role does having a purpose in life play as we age?
DR. BOYLE: Our study showed that having purpose in life is robustly protective. Those who reported having purpose in life showed a 30% slower rate of cognitive decline than those who did not. Having purpose reduced the risk of Alzheimer's and its precursor, mild cognitive impairment. Even those whose brains had the plaques and tangles associated with Alzheimer's had better cognitive brain function. It's a remarkable finding.
WSJ: Why and how does having purpose provide these benefits?
DR. BOYLE: We don't know exactly how, but we think that people who are purposeful are actively pursuing goals, and by virtue of doing this they are enhancing their brains, either bringing in or developing other areas of the brain.
In addition, if you're pursuing goals, you're probably engaging in a whole host of behaviors that we know to be beneficial for health, such as being socially involved and connected to other people and going out and being physically active.
WSJ: How do you define purpose in life?
DR. BOYLE: It's the sense that your life has meaning. You're engaged in things that energize and motivate you, and that you think are important on a broader level, beyond just yourself.
WSJ: How does this translate into the actual things people do and how they live their lives?
DR. BOYLE: There are so many ways. Philanthropic types of activities, such as volunteering at a food bank, and finding ways of helping others. Maintaining connections with family and friends. One woman who is essentially homebound writes a letter to someone every day, often a note of appreciation. it keeps her social connections active and it gives her something to look forward to.
Many people decide to become mentors. They have a lot of wisdom as a consequence of their having done so much in their lives, and they want to pass along that knowledge to others. Other people want to accomplish new things. They learn a new language or take up a new area of study, even at the age of 80.
WSJ: How does one go about finding or creating meaning and purpose?
DR. BOYLE: The first step is to think about what is important to you, what energizes and motivates you, gives you the sense that life is meaningful.
Is it family and being with loved ones? Social connection and community? Learning and creating? Philanthropic or volunteer work? Then think about setting priorities and goals and figuring out how you're going to spend your time to meet those goals. Being purposeful is not something that just happens without your being active and intentional.
(Wall Street Journal)

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