
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Good Samaritans come to the rescue of woman having a seizure while driving her car...

ARNOLD, Mo (WHDH) -- A woman was having a seizure behind the wheel and her car was rolling through an intersection when two people realized what was happening and didn't hesitate to jump into action.
Good Samaritans, Kristin Martin and Zachery Green jumped out of their car in a busy intersection to yell for help.
"I told my girlfriend- I said we've got to help this lady you know we have to. So I just slammed it into park and went with my instincts,” said Green.
"And that's when her foot must of hit the gas and took off so I'm running after her as fast as I can and I’m just screaming at the top of my lungs for somebody to stop and call 911,” said Martin.

They got the attention of high school principal Don Grimshaw. He drove his ford F-250 in front of the blue car to try and stop it before it sailed onto the interstate.
"I got in front of her and just tried to match up speeds and stop the car with the truck,” said Grimshaw.
The car hit a guard rail over Interstate 55.
"The car kind of went back up two wheels a little bit and then kind of came back down. For a second I thought it was going to go over the rail but fortunately it didn't it just kind of settled back down,” said Grimshaw.
Grimshaw credits Green and Martin for getting his attention. After first responders arrived, the woman was conscious and taken to the hospital.
"I just hope that the lady is okay and I hope there's more people out here in this world that will maybe take notice of this and start doing better things and start helping people out,” said Green.
"I think it should be a natural reaction in people,” said Martin.
They had no regrets about leaving their car in the middle of a busy intersection.
"At the time, a car or a life? Pick one. Mine was this lady, she could possibly die,” said Green.
First responders said the woman who had the seizure is doing okay.

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