
Friday, March 1, 2013

2 year old..."the moon, the moon, the moon!"

While many parents try to give their children the moon, some kids just demand it. Kayla Moffett, a 27-month-old girl from Mt. Laurel, N.J., is one of those kids.
Moffett is the latest star of a viral YouTube video, filmed by her father Dennis. The short video features Kayla staring wide-eyed at the moon in broad daylight, shrieking, "THE MOON! THE MOON! THE! MOOOON!"
"What do you see?" asks her father as the camera rolls. "Can you get it?"
Kayla tries to grab the moon but realizes she can't reach it.
"No, I can't reach," she says, discouraged, clutching her blue and purple stuffed dog, whom she calls "Bye Moon!"

Dennis was picking his daughter up from his mother's house in Cherry Hill, N.J., when his daughter caught sight of the moon.
"She's always very excited to see the moon," said Moffett in an email, "Whenever she sees it, she goes nuts, screaming 'The moon! The moon! THE! MOOON!' This is the first time I've recorded it. Had no idea it would be a hit on YouTube."
Kayla's fascination with the moon began before she could even talk. She would shout any time she could see the moon.
The one-minute video has already had almost 500,000 views and 900 comments on YouTube since Dennis posted it on Friday.
One commenter writes of the video, "Father does not understand power of the moon! Baby does!"

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