
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Everyday Hero: SamanthaAnne Martin, 12 year old California girl inspired by Malala Yousafzai in her own words...

(Malala's Song Video)
By SamanthaAnne Martin
My name is SamanthaAnne Martin. Nothing is as special to me as telling a story through music. Malala’s is the most important story I have ever told.
Malala’s courage and determination inspired me to write Ricochet (Malala’s Song). Malala has shown me that one voice driven by hope can make a change. If Ricochet plays a part in getting the word out — great! That will make me happy.
I can’t imagine life without two things: education and music. Writing Ricochet has allowed me to support one passion while celebrating another.  My whole family cried when we received the wonderful email from Malala’s dad thanking us for Ricochet and telling us he too had cried while watching it with Malala in her hospital room.

I will never forget the day Malala called. Her dad made me laugh. He said, “You don’t want to talk to me anymore. Malala and you are the same age and I am an old man!”
Malala sounded perfect – just like she did in the videos I have seen. Malala has the most beautiful voice. It’s like she is singing when she speaks. She asked about my family and I asked about hers. I have never had a sister, but this is what I think it would be like to have one.
One day, I hope to make a difference in other people’s lives, just as Malala has.
Malala deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.
Note:  All  proceeds from Ricochet on  itunes will be donated to the Malala Fund. To donate and learn more about Malala’s vision, visit Malala Fund.
Malala’s father Ziauddin sent the email below to SamanthaAnne and her father Dan Martin December 8th, 2012 after seeing her music video
Dear Dan Martin and my cute little angel Samantha,
The world must change… There is 12 years old Samantha in the west, singing and crying for 14 years old malala in the east…….Sure There is Zia ud Din and Malala but we have more amazing father and daughter; Martin and Samantha.! Because speaking for ones own suffering is  good  but feeling and fighting for the rights of others is great…The song, the pain, the love Samantha conveys, comes out  from the core of heart… and touches hearts. I and Malala watched the song and I could not control my tears…It was raining in the video to hide the tears of Samantha but I could not hide mine…I dont have words to thank… simply saying… GOD BLESS U ALL….

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